Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Reading Response Week 7

I didn't think the Ria Cortesio story was particularly gripping. It had a lot of potential, but the obvious tension that she faces being a woman in an exclusively male world didn't come through to me in the narrative. There was a lot of joking around, but no real conflict there. Another part I thought was missing was her decision to do this. She graduated summa cum laude from Rice and went to umpiring school after that, only to be paid very little and be made fun of. The only reason given for choosing this is "umpiring fascinates her." There are plenty of things that fascinate me that I wouldn't spend a significant portion of my life dedicated to, especially in the face of ridicule. This reporter needed to go deeper than simple fascination.

1 comment:

virginie said...

I agree with you, the piece is not engaging. I would have liked the author to go deeper and to show more than explain. I would have liked to see scenes, to get a chance to really meet Cortesio and thus better understand her choice of career.